The Pot Scorpion is a special Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. It shares similarities with the Pot Spider Heartless and drops the rare Mythril Stone synthesis item.

Finding the Pot Scorpion

The Pot Scorpion Heartless is only found at the Palace Gates in Agrabah. You'll know you've encountered the right Heartless when the area has 12 pots; if they don't appear, leave and re-enter the area.

Your first challenge is to break all of the pots EXCEPT for the one with the Pot Scorpion inside it, and there's an easy trick to do it: have Sora run/walk into the pots! If they move, break them; if it doesn't, that's the one with the Pot Spider in it, so leave that one for last. Once you strike the Pot Spider, all the other pots will disappear (if you haven't broken them).

Be mindful of Sora's position before striking the pots! His horizontal slash may break two pots at once. Back up a bit so you can focus on one pot at a time.

Defeating the Pot Scorpion

When the Pot Scorpion appears, it will start spewing poision around the area. Strike it in between its attacks to grab its attention, then use Guard when it strikes with its pincers; this will cause it to flip onto its back. Use this opportunity to land one or two combos.

When the Pot Scorpion recovers, it will continue spewing poison. When enough HP is depleted, it will move to its second phase, making poison spores rain down from above. It will also use its stinger to strike Sora in this phase; use Guard to flip it on its back again, allowing you to deal a combo or two.

You can also block its attacks by casting Aeroga magic on Sora!

Obtaining the Mythril Stone

If you manage to break all 11 pots without striking the Pot Spider first, there's a 10% chance that the last pot will have a Mythril Stone! Defeating the Pot Scorpion after breaking all 11 pots gives you a 35% chance at another Mythril Stone (the drop rate is 20% if you fail to break all 11 pots before encountering the Pot Scorpion). To improve your odds, equip all Lucky Strike abilities to the party.

If you're trying to get the Pot Scorpion to respawn, try leaving the world via gummi ship and immediately returning.