The Ultima Weapon is one of the most powerful weapons in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, boasting the highest boost in strength and second highest boost in MP. In order to obtain it, you must gather rare materials and talk to the Moogles above the accessory shop in Traverse Town to perform Item Synthesis.

Unlocking the Ultima Weapon Recipe

The Ultima Weapon belongs to the final group of receipes that only become available after synthesizing all 30 unique items from Group I-V. Check out our Synthesis Guide for tips on how to obtain the right items and where to find them!

Searching for Ingredients

In order to synthesize the Ultima Weapon, you must have five types of very rare synthesis materials:

Material Obtained
Thunder Gem x5

These are dropped by Screwdiver and Aquatank Heartless in Atlantica. Enter the world at Triton's Throne, then swim to Triton's Palace and use Firaga magic to defeat all the Screwdiver and Aquatanks that appear, then return to Triton's Throne, leave the world and re-enter it, then repeat! You can also obtain them by casting three Thunder spells on a White Mushroom Heartless, found in various worlds.

Mystery Goo x5

These are dropped exclusively by the White Mushroom, Rare Truffle, and Black Fungus Heartless in various worlds. Check out our extensive Mushroom Heartless Guide to learn how to locate and defeat these rare enemies!

Serenity Power x3

These are dropped exclusively by the Pink Agaricus Heartless found in Deep Jungle. Check out our extensive Pink Agaricus Guide to learn how to locate and defeat this rare enemy!

Stormy Stone x3

These are dropped exclusively by the Neoshadow Heartless found in End of the World. Check out our Neoshadow Guide to learn how to locate and defeat this rare enemy!

Dark Matter x3

These are can be created through Item Synthesis and can be found in 9 Treasure Chests. Check out our Dark Matter Guide to learn how to locate every Dark Matter in the game!

Don't forget to equip Lucky Strike to all party members in order to increase your chances of enemies dropping these rare items!