
HP: 1200      EXP: 9999      DIFFICULTY:

The Phantom is an optional boss in Neverland that becomes available after sealing the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion. When you're ready to take on the Phantom, talk to Tinker Bell in the Ship: Cabin area and choose to go to the Clock Tower. Winning the match will grant Sora Stopga magic.

Check out our detailed Phantom video tutorial on YouTube!

Preparing for the Phantom

It is strongly recommended that Sora is level 65 or higher before attempting this match. Peter Pan must be in the party for this fight, and Goofy should be in the party with MP Gift equipped. Sora and party members should have all MP Rage and MP Haste abilities equipped and a few Elixirs or Ethers on hand.

The Stopra and Aerora/ga magic spells should be assigned to your shortcuts menu. Sora should equip a magic-boosting keychain like Spellbinder or Oathkeeper, as well as magic-boosting accessories like the Atlas Armlet, Crystal Crown, or Ray of Light.

It is highly recommended that you obtain Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga magic before attempting this fight!


The Phantom casts a Doom spell on the clock tower at the start of the battle: the clock will start counting down, and a counter will appear above one of your party members. To prevent the Doom counter from counting down, you must periodically lock-on to the clock tower's hands and cast Stop magic on them.

If the clock strikes midnight (i.e. the Doom counter reaches zero), that party member will be incapacitated for the remainder of the fight. A Doom counter will then be placed above your next party member. If that party member is also incapacitated, a final Doom counter will be cast on Sora.

The Phantom only takes damage to the heart that floats beneath its cloak, and it will only take damage based on the color of the heart:

When you successfully damage the heart, don't fly away immediately; you will have plenty of time to see and prepare for the next heart color! When the Phantom flies to the front of the clock tower and starts forming something in its mouth, fly to the side of the clock tower to avoid its dark attack. Alternatively, you can cast Aerora/ga magic on yourself and start flying down with sharp turns; this will free you from the spell.

Watch your MP! You should always have at least 2 MP on hand in case you need to stop the clock tower. If you equipped items to Goofy and Peter, they may periodically use them to replenish your MP (you can adjust their combat settings in the Customize menu). Use items equipped to Sora only when party members cannot assist when replenishing your MP. If absolutely necessary, you can allow the Phantom to strike Sora with its claws; if you have MP Rage/Haste equipped, this will give you a small amount of MP without having to use your items.

Don't forget to cast Stop on the clock tower! You should be ready to cast it every 30-45 seconds, or after about five attacks from the Phantom.