Kurt Zisa

HP: 1500      EXP: 10000      DIFFICULTY:

The Kurt Zisa is an optional boss in Agrabah that becomes available after sealing the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion. When you're ready to take on Kurt Zisa, talk to the Magic Carpet in Aladdin's House and choose to go to the desert. Winning the match will grant Sora the Zantetsuken ability and Ansem's Report 11.

Check out our detailed Kurt Zisa video tutorial on YouTube!

Preparing for Kurt Zisa

It is strongly recommended that Sora is level 75 or higher before attempting this match. Aladdin should be in the party in place of Donald. Sora and party members should have all MP Rage and MP Haste abilities equipped and a few Elixirs or Ethers on hand.

The Thundaga and Aerora/ga magic spells should be assigned to your shortcuts menu. Sora should equip a magic-boosting keychain like Spellbinder or Oathkeeper, as well as defense-boosting accessories like the Heartguard or Gaia Bangle.

Phase 1 Strategy

Kurt Zisa starts by casting Silence on the party, prohitibing magic and summons use until the next phase. Use dodge roll and keep your distance when Kurt Zisa uses its forward slash and swings its blades. Strike the glowing orbs in its hands with aerial combos in between its attacks. Restorative items are still usable during this phase if needed.

When the HP of the glowing orbs in Kurt Zisa's hands is depleted, HP orbs will drop along with the occasional Mega-Potion (8%), Mega-Ether (5%), or Elixir (2%). Be sure to pick them up!

When both orbs are destroyed, Kurt Zisa will stagger and fall to the ground. Use this opportunity to deal aerial combos to the snake head relentlessly. You can guard against its bite attacks for Tech Points when positioned in front of it. You can also use magic at this point, so cure or cast aero as needed.

Phase 2 Strategy

When Kurt Zisa recovers, it will generate a protective shell around itself and float around the perimeter, casting offensive spells. Use dodge roll to avoid the tornadoes and orbs of light, then use offensive spells against the barrier. Thundaga magic is especially effective against the barrier. You can summon Bambi during this phase in order to restore your MP periodically.

Alternatively, you can summon Dumbo, Genie, or Mushu and use their offensive magic abilities against the barrier!

When the barrier's HP is depleted, Kurt Zisa will stagger and return to biting; strike the snake head with relentless aerial combos during this time. When Kurt Zisa recovers, it will re-cast silence on the party and return to phase 1 attacks, so be sure to cure and cast aero magic before this happens!

Phase 3 Strategy

After its first two HP bars are depleted, Kurt Zisa will add a devastating attack to its Phase 1 repertoire: it will spin into the air and strike you with horizontal and vertical spin attacks. You can High Jump and Glide over the horizontal attack, but the vertical attack is tricky: you'll need to lock on and dodge roll at a 50-degree angle to the left or right just before the attack makes contact.